YES Bank shares tanked 7.22 per cent to Rs 21.85, as 32,48,88,450 shares worth Rs 722 crore changed hands on the counter. NHPC slid 13.2 per cent to Rs 98.15, as 26,22,73,572 shares worth 2,693 crore changed hands. BEL plummeted 18.77 per cent as Rs 6,728 crore worth 24,93,52,302 shares changed hands.
YES Bank, NHPC, BEL, Canara Bank, IRFC, PNB, PFC, REC, Suzlon Energy
IRFC tanked 12.69 per cent, IRB Infra dived 9.68 per cent and PNB bled 15 per cent. GAIL, Suzlon Energy, Tata Steel, BHEL, State Bank of India, PFC and REC plunged up to 25 per cent.
YES Bank Ltd, NHPC Ltd, Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL), Canara Bank Ltd , IRFC, Punjab National Bank (PNB), GAIL and Suzlon Energy Ltd are some of the stocks that plunged up to 25 per cent in Tuesday’s trade amid high volumes. While PSU stocks fell on weaker-than-expected voting trends for BJP and the NDA alliance, others fell amid the broad-based selloff.
YES Bank shares tanked 7.22 per cent to Rs 21.85, as 32,48,88,450 shares worth Rs 722 crore changed hands on the counter. NHPC slid 13.2 per cent to Rs 98.15, as 26,22,73,572 shares worth 2,693 crore changed hands. BEL plummeted 18.77 per cent as Rs 6,728 crore worth 24,93,52,302 shares changed hands. Canara Bank plunged 14.31 per cent to Rs 109.90. This counter saw 18,93,06,453 shares worth Rs 2,145 crore changing hands on NSE.
IRFC tanked 12.69 per cent, IRB Infra dived 9.68 per cent and PNB bled 15 per cent. GAIL, Suzlon Energy, Tata Steel, BHEL, State Bank of India, PFC and REC plunged up to 25 per cent.
“A combination of political stability with promises of reforms, improving economic conditions, and supportive global factors like quantitative easing by developed markets fueled a strong rally in Indian stock markets since May 2014. This surge led to over Rs 300 lakh crore in investor wealth, reflecting growing confidence and participation. The future trajectory hinges on the new government’s economic policies, with factors like GDP growth, inflation, and global conditions playing a key role. Investors should be prepared for volatility due to currently high valuations and adopt a diversified approach,” said Suman Bannerjee, CIO, Hedonova on the market crash.