The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has relaxed Know Your Customer (KYC) rules. As per a circular dated May 14, SEBI announced that investors can now invest in mutual funds even if their Aadhaar card and PAN card are not linked.
Previously, a rule implemented on April 1 required the Aadhaar-PAN link for KYC validation. This led to many investors being unable to invest in or redeem mutual funds due to their KYC being put on hold. SEBI’s new guidelines aim to ease these restrictions.
According to the revised rules, investors can complete their KYC using other officially valid documents (OVD) such as Aadhaar, PAN, Voter ID, passport, and driving license. Once KYC is completed with any of these documents, the investor will attain a “KYC-registered” status.
However, there are some limitations for KYC-registered investors. They can only transact with the mutual fund for which the KYC was initially completed. To invest in new funds, these investors must undergo the KYC process again.
Conversely, investors who have linked their Aadhaar with PAN and completed their KYC will achieve “KYC-validated” status, allowing them to invest in any mutual funds without additional KYC procedures.
SEBI has emphasized that investors whose KYC status is on hold will face restrictions. Their email, mobile number, and address verification remain incomplete, preventing them from making any investments or redemptions in mutual funds.
To check their KYC status, investors can visit and use their PAN number on the KYC inquiry page. This page also displays the KYC registration authorities (KRA) like CAMS and Karvy.
For those whose KYC is not validated or registered, SEBI advises completing the KYC process by visiting their KRA’s website and submitting the required OVDs.
This relaxation by SEBI is expected to provide significant relief to many investors, streamlining the investment process in mutual funds and mitigating the hurdles posed by the Aadhaar-PAN linking requirement.
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By simplifying the KYC process, SEBI aims to enhance investor participation and ensure smoother transactions in the mutual fund sector.
Key Points:
- SEBI’s New Circular: Issued on May 14, allowing mutual fund investments without Aadhaar-PAN linking.
- KYC Statuses: – KYC-Registered: Can invest only in the specific fund for which KYC is done. – KYC-Validated: Can invest in any mutual fund.
- Checking KYC Status: Investors can use with their PAN number.
- On Hold KYC: Investors with on-hold status cannot invest or redeem. This move is expected to encourage broader participation in mutual funds by easing the previously stringent KYC requirements.